ACL for Aiven Schema Registry

Learn how to manage Access Control Lists (ACLs) in Aiven for Schema Registry

The SchemaRegistryAclEntry resources are used to manage the Access Control Lists in Aiven for Schema Registry. A SchemaRegistryAclEntry resource defines the permission to be granted to a user for one or more Schema Registry Subjects.



Here is the resource definition file for defining a SchemaRegistryAclEntry.

apiVersion: ""   # The api version (required)
kind: "SchemaRegistryAclEntry"         # The resource kind (required)
  labels: { }
  annotations: { }
  permission: <>               # The permission. Accepted values are: READ, WRITE
  username: <>                 # The username
  resource: <>                 # The Schema Registry ACL entry resource name pattern

NOTE: The resource name pattern should be Config: or Subject:<subject_name> where subject_name must consist of alpha-numeric characters, underscores, dashes, dots and glob characters * and ?.


Here is an example that shows how to define a simple ACL entry using the SchemaRegistryAclEntry resource type.

file: schema-registry-acl-entry.yaml

apiVersion: ""
kind: "SchemaRegistryAclEntry"
  permission: "READ"
  username: "Alice"
  resource: "Subject:*"


If you need to define multiple ACL entries (e.g. using a template), it may be easier to use a SchemaRegistryAclEntryList resource.


Here the resource definition file for defining a SchemaRegistryAclEntryList.

apiVersion: ""    # The api version (required)
kind: "SchemaRegistryAclEntryList"      # The resource kind (required)
metadata: # (optional)
  labels: { }
  annotations: { }
items: [ ]                              # An array of SchemaRegistryAclEntry


Here is a simple example that shows how to define a single YAML file containing two ACL entry definitions using the SchemaRegistryAclEntryList resource type.

apiVersion: ""
kind: "SchemaRegistryAclEntryList"
  - spec:
      permission: "READ"
      username: "alice"
      resource: "Config:"
  - spec:
      permission: "WRITE"
      username: "alice"
      resource: "Subject:*"