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Learn how to configure the extensions for SchemaRegistry.

    Here, you will find the list of resources supported for SchemaRegistry.


    You can configure the properties to be used to connect the SchemaRegistry service through the Jikkou client configuration property jikkou.schemaRegistry.


    jikkou {
      schemaRegistry {
        # Comma-separated list of URLs for schema registry instances that can be used to register or look up schemas
        url = "http://localhost:8081"
        # The name of the schema registry implementation vendor - can be any value
        vendor = generic
        # Method to use for authenticating on Schema Registry. Available values are: [none, basicauth, ssl]
        authMethod = none
        # Use when 'schemaRegistry.authMethod' is 'basicauth' to specify the username for Authorization Basic header
        basicAuthUser = null
        # Use when 'schemaRegistry.authMethod' is 'basicauth' to specify the password for Authorization Basic header
        basicAuthPassword = null
        # Enable debug logging
        debugLoggingEnabled = false
        # Ssl Config: Use when 'authMethod' is 'ssl'
        # The location of the key store file.
        sslKeyStoreLocation = "/certs/registry.keystore.jks"
        # The file format of the key store file.
        sslKeyStoreType = "JKS"
        # The password for the key store file.
        sslKeyStorePassword = "password"
        # The password of the private key in the key store file.
        sslKeyPassword = "password"
        # The location of the trust store file.
        sslTrustStoreLocation = "/certs/registry.truststore.jks"
        # The file format of the trust store file.
        sslTrustStoreType = "JKS"
        # The password for the trust store file.
        sslTrustStorePassword = "password"
        # Specifies whether to ignore the hostname verification.
        sslIgnoreHostnameVerification = true